Surface Finishes

Brushing Services

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The brushing process is a mechanical surface-completing strategy that includes using abrasive brushes, typically made from cable or nylon, to eliminate surface area blemishes and develop a textured or matte finish on steel surfaces. It is commonly made used in metalworking to improve the appearance and appearance of parts, get rid of burrs, and develop a consistent, direct grain pattern. Brushing can be put on a variety of steels, consisting of stainless steel and lightweight aluminum, and is commonly used in applications where aesthetic appeals and cleanliness are crucial.

Applicable MaterialsCosmetic AvailabilityVisual Appearance
Steel,Aluminum, CopperOn requestSmooth, glossy finish

Brushing Parts

Brushing Process

  1. Preparation: The part’s surface is cleaned and prepared to ensure it’s free from contaminants or oxidation.
  2. Brushing: The abrasive brush is used to remove imperfections and create the desired brushed pattern. The brush can be applied manually or through automated machinery.
  3. Grain Direction: The brushing is done in a specific direction to achieve the desired linear grain pattern.
  4. Final Inspection: The finished part is inspected to ensure it meets the required quality and appearance standards.

Brushing Design Considerations


Brushing is a mechanical surface finishing process that uses abrasive brushes to create a textured or matte finish on metal parts.

Brushing enhances the appearance, texture, and cleanliness of metal parts, making it popular for decorative and functional purposes.

Brushing is suitable for various metals, including stainless steel, aluminum, and brass.

Yes, brushing can be used on precision components, as it has minimal impact on part dimensions.

Brushing can produce a textured finish with varying levels of roughness, depending on the abrasive used.

Yes, brushing effectively removes burrs, sharp edges, and minor surface imperfections.

Yes, brushing can be applied to parts with complex shapes and intricate features.

No, brushing primarily enhances appearance and texture, not electrical properties.

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